There is so much advice out there when it comes to optimizing your life to avoid migraine attacks. Where do you even start? Fortunately, sometimes the smallest changes to your migraine regimen can have a big impact on how you feel.
With that in mind, we wanted to share our favorite low-effort tips for making your life easier and avoiding as many attacks as you can.
How to manage stress when you have migraine
Stress may in fact be the most common migraine trigger—in one study, 80% of migraine sufferers identified it as one of their triggers. And if the past few years have made you feel like you're in a constant state of stress, you’re definitely not alone.
While you may not be able to control the world right now, you can control what you do to keep yourself a little more put together. Here are some small things you can do right now when it comes to stress management for migraine, like sleeping better, getting the right nutrients in your diet, and staying active. Speaking of which…
How to get better sleep
We’re not going to tell you to just “get more sleep”—if you could, you probably would be already. So let’s talk about how to make the most of the sleep time you do have, from sleep tracking and overcoming bad sleep habits to identifying if you have a condition like sleep apnea that’s causing you to wake up with headaches.
How to make your diet work for your migraine
We know that navigating food and migraine can be a challenge. There aren’t just foods to avoid, but also bad habits to break (skipping meals, anyone?). Rather than worrying about what you can’t do, though, you can build a migraine diet that puts you back in control.
How to stay active when exercising gives you a headache
What do you do when you want to exercise to manage your stress and prevent migraine attacks, but exercising itself triggers migraine attacks? Though it feels like a catch-22 situation, there are plenty of ways to get active and enjoy the benefits of those exercise endorphins without putting yourself at high risk of another attack, from taking a yoga class to aerobic exercise like going for a jog.
How to describe your migraine to a doctor
Learning how to talk about your migraine can really help your doctor figure out the right treatment for you. Sometimes migraine can feel so weird or overwhelming you don’t know where to start, so we put together a guide for describing your headache to a doctor. And once you know how to do that, you can start tracking your attacks.
How to actually use a migraine tracker
We know, we know. Tracking your migraine can be difficult, and a little depressing at times. When it comes to understanding your unique triggers, though, there’s really nothing better, and once you know what to avoid, your life as a migraine sufferer can get a lot better. So let’s dive deep into what to include in your migraine journal, and how to make it easier to keep up so you don’t have to think about your migraine all the time.
How to deal with migraine at work
Living with this condition shouldn’t prevent you from having a fulfilling career. Fortunately, there’s a lot more you can do as a migraine sufferer to manage work and migraine beyond taking a sick day when you feel an attack coming on, from talking to your boss about work-from-home accommodations to creating a quiet and dark room you can retreat to when you need it. Check out our guide to managing migraine at work for more tips from the Cove community.
How to apply for disability benefits for migraine
Ok, so this one isn’t low-effort. But did you know you can apply for Social Security disability benefits for migraine? Most sufferers don’t, and if migraine is making it almost impossible for you to work, this may be a good option for you. It can definitely be a bit of a slog, though, so if you’re considering it, check out our guide so you’ll know what to expect.
How to have a social life with migraine
No matter how mild or severe your migraine condition is, you still deserve to have a social life. It can take some extra planning, but fortunately, the Cove community has shared their best advice for how to balance migraine and having a life.
So there you have it. We hope you can use these tips as a foundation to set yourself up for more migraine-free days going forward. And if you don’t know where to start or you’d like a little more guidance, Cove’s doctors are here to help.
The information provided in this article is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should not rely upon the content provided in this article for specific medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your doctor.
Photo by Radu Florin on Unsplash.